Sunday, January 20, 2008


On Christmas vacation we went shopping. To Indiska and other shops too....

I bought a comfy armchair, a sofa table, and a glass cabinet. Mom and the cat came outside to pose with the new furniture.

Can you see something funny in the picture?? If you don't see it, peek into the comments.....

Sunday, January 6, 2008

New Year, New Tricks - Uusi vuosi, uudet kujeet

As I mentioned before, I have now set up a new blog about my Lundby dollhouse. Check it out!

Unfortunately that blog is only in Finnish, but there will be lots of pictures... I have already started tuning the dollhouse, and mostly I try to make everything myself - but surely there will be something bought too...

Kuten täällä blogissani jo aikaisemmin kerroin, olen nyt laittanut uuden blogin Lundby nukkekodistani. Tsekatkaapa vaikka!

Tuo Lundby blogi on sitten kokonaan suomeksi. Olen jo aloittanut nukkekodin tuunaamisen ja yritän tehdä kaiken itse... mutta taitaapa sinne tulla jotain ostettuakin...