Saturday, December 27, 2008
Last days of the Christmas Calendar
A tiny washtub, a Christmas tree and a magazine.
Different kinds of flowers, watering can, and extremly soft sheets.
A covered tray with pies, a pot with a lid, and some more magazines.
A sugar pot, a juice bottle and a tray
More beautiful bottles, a kettle with some carrots in there and another sugar pot.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas calendar
Magazine, picture, kettle, flower, wine and that little metal thing....
Long time no see... part II
I did a swap with Tiia who keeps "Ruusun nuppu nukkekotini"- blog. The theme was Christmas kitchen. And of course I forgot to take a picture of my stuff before sending them... But here is a picture of what I got from Tiia. Even this picture is not complete... but you can go see much better pictures from Tiia's blog.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Long time no see...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The new kitchen!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Bathroom to bedroom and Bedroom to bathroom...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Miniatures rooms
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Finally a post!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Exciting England Trip!!
And here you see my shoppings... Well, guess I'll just have to tell just what they are. I bought that huge sink for a kitchen (which I have been wanting for a long time..:), a bench for a garden and some bushes and flowers, a mirrow and two paintings, some tea sets, books, wine bottles, a street sign, and a cashier machine. (I am still talking about the first picture, sorry..)
But now about the second picture: These all are from Stratford. I found these from the back of the a souvenier shop, I was so happy to find that sink!!
These are from Bath, from Pulteney Bridge. (A fact: Pulteney Brigde is one of the four bridges in the world that has shops on it and one of the shops had miniatures in it!!)
These are from Cheddar Gorge. Aren't they just wonderful!!
This is just one nice picture that I took of the miniatures that I wanted to show you!
(sorry, for the long break once again... but when summer comes I will be more into miniatures!! :)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Outside changes!
I have been looking at the outside of the house and I'm not impressed, I haven't done anything for the outside!! But now I have painted the roof with antiquing paint that has to be diluted with water, it's supposed to make it look older and used but I think it's a nice color for the roof.
Here it shows better, the top shingles aren't painted but the rest are.
And now going down, the shingles are painted and I have made rocks from egg cartons (I have a link that has instructions how to make it but can't get it yet here), then I have painted the tiny poles beige, it looks very nice.
Rachel is standing happily on the porch but she is longing for some flowers and more... She is always wanting something! ;p