Monday, February 25, 2008

Outside changes!

I have been looking at the outside of the house and I'm not impressed, I haven't done anything for the outside!! But now I have painted the roof with antiquing paint that has to be diluted with water, it's supposed to make it look older and used but I think it's a nice color for the roof.

Here it shows better, the top shingles aren't painted but the rest are.

And now going down, the shingles are painted and I have made rocks from egg cartons (I have a link that has instructions how to make it but can't get it yet here), then I have painted the tiny poles beige, it looks very nice.

Rachel is standing happily on the porch but she is longing for some flowers and more... She is always wanting something! ;p


Anonymous said...

Hienon näköistä!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello from Boulder.
I love the blue and white furniture. It looks great with the wallpaper! You've found some fun things in the shops; bet the tiny room boxes will be fun, but a challenge to make.
Happy March, Sharon

Saara said...

Ihanan näköistä, minkä aikakauden nukkekoti sinulla on??

P.S. Mikä sinun sähköposti osoitteesi on, sillä ne kaikki blogi linkit jotka minun äidilläni oli, niin voisin lähettää ne sinulle e-maililla...


Anonymous said...

Saara: En oikein tiedä,aika nykyaikaista mutta he tykkäävät vanhasta ajasta aika paljon.Voi kertoa koulussa sähkärini.
Sharon:Thank you so much, I am glad that you come and look at your things!!